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淘寶(Taobao)讓您隨心淘超值商品,爲您提供流行服飾、美妝洗護、3C數碼、大小家電、家俬家居、箱包皮具、運動戶外、五金工具、玩具等千萬件熱銷好貨,淘寶支持文字或圖片搜索商品。天貓淘寶海外作爲Taobao面向華人的跨境電商平台,覆蓋200多個國家和地區的消費者,其中核心站點包括:淘寶香港(taobao hk)、淘寶台灣(taobao tw)、淘寶澳門、淘宝新加坡、淘宝马来西亚、淘宝韩国(타오바오 사이트)、淘宝澳洲、淘宝加拿大、taobao world。

Keywords: Taobao 淘宝 타오바오 Таобао Taobao中國 淘寶香港 淘寶台灣 淘寶新加坡 天貓淘寶海外 World 淘寶網 掏寶 掏保 網上購物 集運 淘宝全球 淘宝搜图 淘寶搜圖 以图搜图 以圖搜圖

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(5 von 5 Punkte)
schrieb vor 12 Jahren
Podgorica, 1 Bewertung


When I opened the package with the goods they sent to me I was totally disappointed . This is a disaster, when I sow the goods I cant belive.

First, I can not believe that almost half the items they didn’t send, and those things which came, some are completely wrong, some a wrong size, some wrong color.
In short, only a few items are OK.
The only bag that arrived supposed to be beige, came the gray, boots that were supposed to be 41, they posted a 39, they sent ski pants for women, size 38 instead of male size XL, jacket is completely different model.

The quality of the goods, for which they told me is a great, terrible is.
For $ 150, which is not cheap at all, they sent me totally trash boots, totally different from those in the picture but they said that are handmade and perfect quality.
I know that is not original Chloe, and that I cant by the Chloe shoes for that money but that what they sent is really terrible. It suposed to be a good copy.

Generally although they write that the boots are 41 they are small like a 38 or 39 and terrible quality.

Coat with fur is sewn completely wrong. I have to bring it to restate it.

Two pairs of Nike shoes did not come in general same as one bag and one boots ...

Since they told me that they guarantee for the quality and delivery of the goods or if something is wrong they bear full responsibility I want to know what we do now. I told them, the best solution ist that they give me back my money , and I'll send them the goods back because I do not need this at all. I cant put on any of boots and I cant anything wear of that goods. I gave almost 1000 euros, and I have nothing that I can use.
I told them, they schould be honest and say that it is terrible. I was so sad and disappointed, I can not describe that.

In the attachment I was send them photos of the goods that I received and taht I supose to recive. I was waiting for that goods and did not want anything else to buy, hoping that for that goods. And I paid 100 euros for duty extra. I told them, they have to admit that it is a lot of money and I can nothing use from them.

I was expecting a reply from taobao and hoped that they will find some solution for that, but nobody was replayed to me.


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